Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Writing with Dementia

Writing with demneria
Some of you may be thinking that I am aalways pretty clear because I am able to write my thoughts down for a book and I have no sign of dementias. So I thought I would do my best to rite a chapter on a day where in my brain is going slow to show the effir  of the way my brain usually workds. The computer fixes a lot of words automatically so the speall ing s are not as bad, but I know the speallings are not good especially for someone who used to have a very high iq. 
My head hurts. My eyes are blurry so I have to foocsu very hard to get the words on paper and to try  to make sentences atat make sense. I am sure I will not be able to write for too longn since my head hurts. It also mmakes me sleepyu to try to write and concentrate so very hard a t the same time. The sames tthings happen when I go for a walkkk. I have to coincentraye very hard to remember the stesp on walking properly. It sounds silly to me that I have to thingk very hard about walking but I do. I can still shave my face at this point, but only one certain days because ei am afraid of using the razor. My nurses recommend that I only hse electric razors. When I was a kid, my mom and dsd bought me a cowboy outfit for Christmas thet was red and black. I loved that ooutfot. And I got one time a lost in space toy set where the vehicle went around a tubne somehow but I don’t remember how it workd.s. 
I still like to praya a lot. I think having talks with God are very important. I listedn to an application on my phone called Youoversion. It reads the scraipture to me outlout which is very cool. 
Well my head burts so I am going to stop writing. Maybe tomorrow culd be a good day. 

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